miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

The destiny of the lenguaje

The lenguaje is want of the most important hability, with out lenguaje the humanity can not comunicate, so the lenguaje existe for comunication. We are agree that the lenguaje is a hability exclusive in our species. Other animals like Chimpance use sings for comunication, but they don´t have the intelegent that we have.

In the history of the human adaptation, our ancestors like the homo erectus and Nearthentalds have the pòsibility of comunication across of social learning by copy, wach and imitaition but not lenguaje. But acroos the years the community culture adaptation enabled accumulation of ideas and them the beginning of the history.

So I agree whit the ideas of the professor, like that the lenguaje is a sort of social technology for cooperation that allows the coordination, also enable to put ideas together, and the most important cuality of the lenguaje is that give creativity, and this is the way how the humanity to transformer the enviroment .

In the actuality we have a big diversity of lenguaje, around the wordl exist about 6.000 different lenguaje, and the professor think that If today the globalization is around the wordl why we speak diffent lenguaje?, the modern world is confronting with the dilema of our destiny is be one world with one lenguaje. I desagree whit that idea, because I think that globalization is just the posibility to comunicate whit other place, but it dosen`t meand that all the wordl have to be always comunicate and undestanding. In the wordl exist a lot of inequality some population is very poverty because the uneven distribution of wealth, and they live whit a down “quality factor”. So i ask, how we gonna comunity with only one lenguaje if the most of pupulation in the wordl don`t have enough food, education and work.

Also the professor dosen`t take into account the factor of the culture, every lenguaje have a determinate culture, some anthropologist think the lenguaje is firt to the culture, whatever, the lenguaje is a way to know how the people is, and the diversity of lenguaje is also refer to the diversity forms to relate and living.

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