I think the horoscope or the Chinese horoscope are interesting to analyze , because produce me a strange feling; in the first moment I always say, that I dont`t belive in the horoscopo, this is because I don`t believe in the way, how they get the information, I know that is something about the position of the moon, and the stars, and them I ask me , how could be that posible? So I dont`t understand how can you say so much of the people only for the position of the star.
But, in the other way; Sometimes I like to read my horoscope, and see what would be happen, in that way is like a game, because I dont`believe, but I find that is nice sometimes know what is the destine about. ;)
In the Chinese Horoscopo I `m Snake; the snake are intelligence, gracefulness (expression with the body) and materialism, they are analytical when making decision, don`t like the problems, but if they want something, they getting dosn`t carry about the others . I `m desagree with the part of the materialism, because I very simple, and I dont`carry about the things and the Money, I never have Money, so I never buy luxurious furnishings how they say.
About the health I think that the most is true because I like the calmnes, be quiet with out noise, and also I get easily stressed, so I have to manageable workload rather.Another think that is also true, is that snake are job-hoppers, because they become easily boring.
In the relationships they say that the snake are very seducers, and always atracting people, I laughed when I reed that, because I `m the least seductive. And also about partner the snake is very jalours ans obsessive, I don`t think that I`m that caint of person, but the only thing that I believe and I hope , is that the 2013 is gonna be my year :)
I don`t believe in chinese zodiac neither but I think it's interesting as part of chinese mythology.