I am not really sure if I really can say that I admire this person, but I think that he makes an interesting job and also he has a diffent vision than the one I like.
His name is Luis Campos, he is a social anthropologist of the University of Chile, he also has a Master's and is a PhD in social anthopology in the University of Brasilia. He is director of the School of Anthropology of the Academy of Christian Humanism.
He works in investigation about ethnicity and multiculturalism ,specially of the indians of Chile and Mexico and their inter- relations, he studies also the urbane mapuche and so forth.
I know about his work because he was my teacher of antropology in the USACH, he showed me the antropology, his class was really good and interesting , because he has a good humor and also he has a different vision of Antropology.He thinks that language is really important and he writes his works metaphorically . So I like what he write about different topics and things that he likes. And I hope that one day i work in what i want and like.
His name is Luis Campos, he is a social anthropologist of the University of Chile, he also has a Master's and is a PhD in social anthopology in the University of Brasilia. He is director of the School of Anthropology of the Academy of Christian Humanism.
He works in investigation about ethnicity and multiculturalism ,specially of the indians of Chile and Mexico and their inter- relations, he studies also the urbane mapuche and so forth.
I know about his work because he was my teacher of antropology in the USACH, he showed me the antropology, his class was really good and interesting , because he has a good humor and also he has a different vision of Antropology.He thinks that language is really important and he writes his works metaphorically . So I like what he write about different topics and things that he likes. And I hope that one day i work in what i want and like.